Après un départ aux aurores de la gare de Chalon S/S, tout le monde est bien arrivé à destination, à Aalborg, dans le Nord du Danemark. Les élèves sont en ce moment dans les familles d’accueil, et s’apprêtent à se retrouver tous dans l’une des familles, pour une soirée organisée par les élèves danois (sous la supervision des parents…).

Au programme demain : dès 8h, cours de chimie puis d’anglais pour les élèves français et danois. Quartier libre en ville entre 13h et 15h, puis réception au lycée avec les parents, les enseignants, et les différents acteurs impliqués dans le projet depuis le début.

Quant aux profs, pas de grasse matinée, non non… Réunion à 9h (on a quand même quelques privilèges…), toute la matinée, pour établir le bilan du projet à rendre à l’agence nationale Comenius (qu’il faudra tout de même traduire), et jeter les bases du prochain projet, pour 2010 – 2012.

La suite demain. En attendant, cette journée, en quelques photos.

L’équipe Comenius


Our project in the press

A journalist from the local paper came and attended the videoconference that was held at Lycée Niepce on Feb 05, 2009. Here’s the article she wrote about it. We have to say we were very disappointed about the content, as it doesn’t really do justice to the work that has been done by all partners, and as some of the information is either incomplete or incorrect.

To read the article, go to the press page.

Enjoy !
The Comenius team

Copenhaguen 2009 : Program

To download the latest program about our trip to Copenhaguen,  please click on the following document(pdf document):


GLOBAL WARMING : From Denmark to France via Videoconference

visioOn Thursday 5/02 a panel of four Danish experts on climate change (among whom Bjorn Lomborg, a scientist of international reputation) gave a talk at Aalborg College in Denmark. This talk was attended by a group of about 40 students in our school, via a web videoconference.  After a overall presentation of the problem of climate change, the experts answered questions submitted by both Danish and French students. p10101472

Here’s an example of the questions that our students asked :

  • What are the impacts of climate change on the environment ?  Is there a big difference between temperatures in the past and now ?
  • How can people adapt to climate change ?
  • Is the Kyoto Protocol being respected by the countries that have signed it ? What further political measures could be taken ?
  • Some countries, like the US, claim that reducing their carbon emissions would ruin their economy. Is that correct ?
  • Is carbon sequestration a good solution ? Are there any risks that such carbon-capturing techniques would not encourage industries to reduce their emissions of CO2 ?

After about an hour and a half, the conference came to an end. We would like to thank our Danish partners for organising it, and the experts for answering the students’ questions.

The next and final stage of our two-year project will be in April, when we go and meet up with our Danish partners in Aalborg and then in Copenhaguen. We’re all looking forward to that !

For more information (bio, articles and videos) about Bjorn Lomborg’s works, please visit his website : http://www.lomborg.com/




Here’s a short overview of the third part of our Comenius project, which was held in Chalon, from Oct 21 to Oct 24. We’ll all be meeting up next time in Denmark (Aalborg and Copenhaguen) at the end of March 2009. That will be the fourth and last part of what will have been a fantastic experience for both students and teachers.

Enjoy !


Here is a snap that was taken on Friday Oct 21, just before our visit of Areva, world leader in the design and manufacture of nuclear reactors.

The Comenius group would like to thank Mr Chrysostome, CEO of the Burgundy Nuclear Pole, who made this visit possible, and Mr Lecomte, who is in charge of public relations at Areva. We would also like to thank Dominique, our guide, who made this visit really interesting for both teachers and students.

After the visit, we managed to get our Danish partners to the train station by the skin of their teeth, litteraly 5 mns before their train to Lyon was due to leave.

You can click on the picture to enlarge it.

Tuesday Oct 28th : our project is in the press again. A journalist from our local newspaper, the « Journal de Saône et Loire », came and interviewed us about the project.
To read the article (in French, sorry !), click here : article

For more information about the other press articles dealing with our Comenius project, please read our press page by clicking on the following link : press page

The third part of our project has just come to an end, and we all had a great time with our Danish partners. Everything went as planned, and it was a really enriching experience for both students and teachers.

Here is a simplified version of the programme Eric Basset, one of the coordinators of the project, prepared for the group.

  • Tuesday 21/10
    Arrival of our Danish partners + evening in host families
  • Wednesday 22/10
    Official opening of the programme by Laurent PIERRE, Head of lycée Niepce
    Guided visit of the school led by the French students
    Lunch at school canteen
    Rehearsal and presentation of group work
  • Thursday 23/10
    Visit of the the nuclear power station of Belleville sur Loire
    Official annoucement of the results of the logo competition
    Handing out of Tshirts with the chosen logos
    Evening buffet meal with parents, students and teachers
  • Friday 24/10
    Visit of Areva in St Marcel (world leader in the manufacturing of nuclear reactors)
    Danish partners leave from Chalon train station

Here’s a short video to illustrate those 4 days together. For a better quality, click on the « menu » button in the bottom right hand corner of the video, and play the video in its original size.
Enjoy !

Samedi 18 Octobre 2008 : Les élèves du groupe Comenius se sont réunis ce samedi matin pour paufiner les travaux qu’ils devront présenter à leurs homologues danois lors de la troisième phase de notre projet qui se déroulera à Chalon du 21 au 24 octobre prochain.

Articulation des différents diaporamas, correction de l’expression en anglais, répétition des présentations à l’oral, ont rythmé cette dernière matinée de préparation.

A 11h, les parents des élèves qui hébergeront un correspondant danois nous ont rejoints pour la présentation de l’organisation de ces trois journées à venir.

Un compte rendu détaillé sera proposé la semaine prochaine pour rendre compte du déroulement du programme.

En attendant, voici cette matinée de travail, en photos…

Dear partners,

We’re delighted to announce that the logo competition is now officially open. You can first send your logos by contacting us via this blog, or by posting them on Fronter. You can then vote for the best logo by leaving a message on this blog. Don’t forget to leave your name, and to specify which logo you’re voting for !! Please keep in mind that the selected logo will be printed out on Tshirts.

I will upload more logos as soon as I get them.

The competition will end on October 17, 2008.

Happy voting !

Click on the pictures below to enlarge:

Logo 1


Logo 2


Logo 3


Logo 4


Logo 5
